Kim Kardashian West On Saying “No”

Bella Breakdown While everyone has felt the power of saying “no” from time to time, the stakes are usually quite low. Like saying no to some weekend plans in exchange for the chance to lounge on the couch and binge-watch New Girl or actually telling your hairdresser that you don’t want to go shorter with the cut. Yes, saying no can be exhilarating and can result in a payoff far more valuable than money. Unless of course, you’re Kim Kardashian West saying “no” to a campaign partnership and being rewarded with one million dollars and joint ownership of a...

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Boost Your Immune System Through Your Diet

Bella Breakdown Getting sick can take the wind out of your sails but there are a couple of ways you can boost your immune system, especially through your diet. We give you a list of foods that can help boost your immune system and improve your overall health. Fruits Fruits are a great source of natural vitamins and sugars that help strengthen your immune system. Fruits packed in antioxidants help support a healthy immune system including pomegranates, elderberries, and acai berries. Watermelon is a hydrating snack that is good for your immune system. If you’re not the biggest fan...

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Emma Watson On Being “Self-Partnered”

Bella Breakdown Watching Emma Watson grow up through the Harry Potter series as the brilliant and confident Hermoine Granger may make it hard to believe that the actress is quite grown up. However, through her various recent roles including Belle in the Disney live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast, and her most recent role in Pretty Woman, , as well as her ongoing dedication to various activist campaigns and groups, this star, is the perfect role model for girls of all ages. Whether she’s inspiring young girls to be proud of their intelligence or offering relatable advice to...

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What Will Instagram’s ‘No More Likes’ Really Do?

Bella Breakdown In a culture so heavily focused on online appearances, something as simple as a “like” on a post can add drastic “value” to someone’s self-perception. Social media has created an epidemic of comparison culture—it has become far too easy to know the whereabouts of everyone’s life (or the most glamorous moments they choose to share, not that time they had to change a tire in the rain while wearing a dress) and feel that your life is somehow not as shiny or less valuable as the people you follow. In turn, many young social media users feel...

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Thanksgiving Dinner In A Handful Of Chips?

Bella Breakdown Ah, Thanksgiving. The one day a year where even health bloggers and dieticians turn a blind eye at processed fats and gorge on buttery mashed potatoes, sugar-loaded pies, and salt bathed turkeys. But what’s better than actual Thanksgiving food? Recreating them into delicious leftovers for days to come. But if your Thanksgiving is anything like mine, there are never leftovers to be found as my mother sends every singles guest home with pounds of food (thanks Mom, I slaved hours over that casserole) and the delicacy of Thanksgiving’s hearty flavors are gone just as quickly as they...

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