How to be Prepared for EVERYTHING on Day Trips: Essential Supplies


Prep Like a Pro for Day Trips with Kids

As a mom, you need to be prepared for everything. Whether you are going out for an hour, or the entire day, we parents know that it is essential to have enough supplies to make it through. Firstly, you need the basics. Those usually include snacks, diapers, wipes, toys for the car, and any kind of extra clothing you need for your destination. However, it is also important to pack for unexpected situations. With a little preparation, you can be ready for any circumstance.

preparedforeverything2Snacks are an essential thing to have on any adventure. Anyone who has dealt with tired and hungry kids knows that having a snack readily available can really save the day. Having your own healthy snacks that you know your kids like and won’t send their sugar level through the roof is a great idea. Not only does it save money and time to pack your own snacks, it also helps you to not have to choose from overly priced sugary snacks that are sold at many places. Packing these in Ziplock slider bags makes organization easy.
preparedforeverything3Diapers, wipes and a change of clothes are essential for everyone. Even if your children are potty-trained, having a couple of diapers in the car can be really helpful. If finding a public bathroom is not an option and someone REALLY has to go, or the restrooms are just too icky, using a diaper is nice and easy. Wipes are also a must. Besides diaper changes, they are great for sticky fingers, spills, cleaning cuts and scrapes, and many other situations. Lastly, a change of clothes is a good idea. Even throwing a pair of undies and some sweatpants that will fit most of your kids will work in a pinch.
preparedforeverything4Distractions for the car are another way to avoid the “are we there yet?” questions. Books on tape, coloring books, car games, toys, or your child’s favorite lovey are all ideas of things to have available.
preparedforeverything5Pack for the unexpected. One thing to have handy is a First Aid kit. You can keep this in your car so that it is always readily available. Be sure to include Band-Aids of different sizes, hand sanitizer, antibacterial ointment, cortisone cream, and any other items you know you would need in an emergency. A few other things to have are sunscreen, tissues, extra bottles of water, and a possible “emergency” treat. If I know it’s going to be a long day, sometimes I’ll bring a small treat to use as incentive (aka: bribe) to make it to the end. I’m not talking about a giant chocolate bar- just something like a small lollipop, a bag of gummies, or any other thing your kids might love and work hard for is perfect.
Packing for a day trip is no easy feat. The number of things you need just to go out of the house can be daunting, but once you have a bag that is organized, you can be out the door quickly (or as quickly as possible with kids). With patience and a positive attitude, you will have a fun adventure with wonderful memories.
Meet The Bella Behind the Blog: Kristen Farley is a mother of three and a domestic goddess. She is a former teacher who enjoys spending lots of time with her kids, healthy eating, volunteering at school, and mommy blogging for the masses.

Be on the lookout for more of Kristen’s expert advice and brilliant tips!

Author: Kristen Farley

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