Real Moms, Real Solutions: How Do I Spice Up My Child’s Lunch Box?

Add Excitement to the Lunchtime Routine!

If you’re anything like me, you are dreading the mundane lunch making process once school begins. You have also probably gotten the complaints from your kids of “Please no more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!”  The good news is, there are lots of ways to change up your mundane lunch menu.


The first thing to do is to choose the time that is least hectic for you to make the lunches. I am a night owl, so I prefer to do this after I’ve put the kids to bed. If you’re a perky morning person (man, do I envy you people!), do whatever works for you.

A great time saver is to portion out non-perishable snacks on Sunday afternoon for the entire week, so when you are rushing and tired during the week, you can quickly grab what you need. I recommend portioning out perishable sacks for the next few days in Tupperware containers, as fruit and veggies really take a beating in your kids’ lunchboxes and backpacks.

Whether or not you are a fan of her, I always felt that Kate Gosselin had the best organization for the lunch box. She makes a sandwich (or other “main course”), yogurt or cheese stick, something crunchy (popcorn, pretzels, etc), a fruit, and a treat.

If you take a little extra time in your preparation, you can encourage your kids to eat healthier foods you put in their lunch box. Add “leaves and grass” to the sandwich—any kind of sprouts, lettuce, spinach, or kale will do. The “main course” can be changed by heating up leftovers from the night before and putting it in a Thermos.


I find that my children are much more likely to eat chopped fruit than a whole apple. Add a little bit of an exotic fruit to a fruit salad (think dragon fruit or mango) to switch things up. Chopped veggies with a little peanut butter or ranch dip are another favorite. You can make dessert a whole lot healthier by making them yourself.

Homemade banana bread or an oatmeal raisin cookie are easy recipes to make. You can make the recipes healthier by reducing the amount of sugar or substituting applesauce for oil in many recipes. I typically don’t have time every day, but at least once a week, I try to add a love note. My kids love finding them in their lunch box and know I’m thinking of them.
Meet The Bella Behind the Blog: Kristen Farley is a mother of three and a domestic goddess. She is a former teacher who enjoys spending lots of time with her kids, healthy eating, volunteering at school, and mommy blogging for the masses.

Be on the lookout for more of Kristen’s expert advice in our “Real Moms, Real Solutions” series!

Author: Kristen Farley

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