Self-Improvement: How To Set And Achieve A Goal

Bella Breakdown

You see people doing it — transforming something in their lives to make a positive change for themselves and their families. However, for some of us, this is often easier said than done. Once the anxiety and procrastination set in, sometimes you feel so stuck, it’s hard to even know where to start. Whether your goal is to take a class to further your career, do a home improvement project, or lose some weight, having a plan will help you stay focused. Stop watching everyone else do new and sometimes scary things and go for it! We get one chance at this beautiful life, so make the best of it.

Make a plan. Whether you write it down, think it through in your mind or talk it out with a friend, have a solid step-by-step plan of what you want to do mapped out in advance. This way, when things get tough, you can go back to your plan and keep yourself accountable.

When negativity and self-doubt creep in remember that you’ve got this! I always have to remind myself that while I might have to work hard, I will not suffer any physical harm from trying to reach my goal. While the feelings of insecurity for past failures might hurt your heart, you will be OK and you will be stronger for going through this.

Don’t compare. While you might get your inspiration from something someone else has done, remember that their struggle is real, too. Just because somebody posts fabulous before and after pictures of their weight loss or their home-improvement remodel, it doesn’t mean that they did not work just as hard for it as you will need to.

Bounce back from slip-ups and failures. Just because you have that ice cream sundae one day while you are trying to lose weight or don’t get all your homework done for your class one day, it doesn’t mean that you can’t get there. Get back in the saddle and keep on trucking!

Celebrate your accomplishments! Part of your original plan should be setting small goals that you aim for each day, week, or month. As you reach each mini-goal, give yourself a pat on the back and do a little happy dance. Celebrating each step will encourage you to complete the entire journey.

Meet The Bella Behind the Blog: Kristen Farley is a mother of three and a domestic goddess. She is a former teacher who enjoys spending lots of time with her kids, healthy eating, volunteering at school, and mommy blogging for the masses.

Be on the lookout for more of Kristen’s expert advice and brilliant tips!

Author: Kristen Farley

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