Springtime Activities for Kids


Enjoy the Wonders of Spring With Your Little Ones!

After the doldrums of the cold dark winter, everyone is ready for a little change of pace. As the days get longer and warmer, here are some fun ways to welcome spring.

Get outside! Find a hiking trail, a fun new playground, or an outdoor garden. You can even turn your walk outside into a nature walk or a listening walk. A nature walk is where you choose plants and animals to identify in nature as you are walking (don’t forget some bugs and worms!). A listening walk is when you walk in nature and try to identify as many sounds as you can by listening (birds, tree leaves, water, etc.). These are the days that are great for outdoor activities like the zoo. Finally, I know that one of my children’s favorite spring activities is jumping in puddles.

For a fun Spring craft project try making this adorable DIY dandelion!

For a fun Spring craft project try making this adorable DIY dandelion!

Do some bright and fun crafts. Let your imagination lead with bright colors. Cut flower shapes out of sponges and use paint to stamp the flowers onto paper, make tissue paper and pipe cleaner flowers to brighten up the room. One of my favorites is so simple. Make a dandelion out of paper, Q-tips, a cotton ball, and a green pipe cleaner.

Plant a garden. You can either plant a small box with flowers or some vegetables or go big with a real garden somewhere in your yard. If you choose to plant using flower pots, have your children decorate the pots using paints.

Make a scavenger hunt.
For little ones you can simply hide items or eggs filled with treats. For your older children, you can make clues that they have to follow to make it more challenging, fun and exciting.

Take the time to enjoy this season of renewal with your children!
Meet The Bella Behind the Blog: Kristen Farley is a mother of three and a domestic goddess. She is a former teacher who enjoys spending lots of time with her kids, healthy eating, volunteering at school, and mommy blogging for the masses.

Be on the lookout for more of Kristen’s expert advice and brillent tips!

Author: Kristen Farley

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