Calling All Dog Lovers: Aquapaw Is About To Change You And Your Four Legged Friends Life!

Aquapaw Rescuing my two dogs was one of the best decisions of my life. My dogs are everything to me. For those of you who don’t already know both of my dogs were rescued from pretty rough situations at a young ages, which left them traumatized and questioning all new things. So when I first introduced bath time to them it was a nightmare for both of us. I would sit in the shower, put water in buckets, do everything to make it comfortable for them and yet my dogs would pin themselves against the wall refusing to go...

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Bath Time Inventions: Save Water, Stay Warm, Have Fun

Babies love bath time — but they have no idea how much water they use just splashing around in that big bathtub! Here are some cool inventions that can make bath time more efficient — and still a boat load of...

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