How To Fall Asleep Faster

Bella Breakdown The secret to a good night’s rest is falling asleep faster. Falling asleep faster means more time to snooze and leave you feeling refreshed when you wake up. Dr. Michael Breus informs on ways to fall asleep faster and why they work so well. Here are a couple of tips and tricks to fall asleep faster. Dr. Breus says he’s probably one of the only doctors in the world to recommend falling asleep leaving the TV on and explains that people don’t really watch TV but rather listen to the audio. When people watch to listen to...

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ROYFACC Night Light Touch Sensor Lamp Is The Best Addition To Any Kids Bedroom

ROYFACC Night Light Putting my kids to bed is always a chore. Ever since they started sleeping on their own there is always something…I can’t fall asleep, I need a toy, I need the light on. The “I need the light on” comment is pretty persistent in our home and I’ve tried everything. Dimming the lights, wall plug-in lights, but the one that worked the best is the ROYFACC Night Light Touch Sensor Lamp. The Perfect Addition To Your Kids Room This touch-activated lamp is seriously the perfect addition to any kids room. Rest nightlight providing soft light for...

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