A Lawsuit Is Filed Against LaCroix

Bella Breakdown Wipe that fizzy hint of a hint of grapefruit soda water off of your face! Your favorite flavored soda water is being sued. That’s right, LaCroix, one of the most popular drink phenomenas to have happened in the past couple of years is being sued for their use of the word ‘natural’ in advertising their product. The lawsuit is claiming that the popular sparkling water contains harsh, cancer causing chemicals such as limonene and linalool. A nutritional scientist, however, states that the amount in which these chemicals are used are in a safe amount. He also states...

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These Foods May Help Prevent Breast Cancer

Bella Breakdown Studies have shown that specific foods can help to prevent breast cancer. It is suggested that 1 in 20 cases of breast cancer could be avoided with a healthy diet. Try incorporating some of these foods to your diet. Navy beans are a fiber rich bean that helps to regulate estrogen. Broccoli is also on the list. It contains an anti-inflammatory that hinders cancer growth. Milk is a big one. It has vitamin D which helps prevent ovarian, breast, and colon cancer. Before buying milk, ensure that it is organic! Next on the list is eggs. Eggs...

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Can Vegetables Fight Colorectal Cancer?

Bella Breakdown A new study done by researchers at the National University of Singapore have been transforming vegetables into a bacteria cocktail to fight specific symptoms of colorectal cancer and to destroy colorectal cancer cells as well. The lead researcher on the study says that the main goal was “to make use of what we already have in our body for disease prevention and treatment, basically programming gut microbes that live with us to convert food into drugs on demand.“ So far, their creation has been able to kill 95% of colorectal cancer cells in a...

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