‘Stranger Things’ Season 3 Will Make You Feel American

Bella Breakdown Netflix just released the “Stranger Things” Season 3 trailer and I am hyped! There is no show that makes me yearn more for the good ol’ days in America than ‘Stranger Things’. I mean, come on! It has USA stamped all over it, with a classic 80’s theme, Halloween monsters that represent the darkness in all of us, awkward middle school moments, suburbia at it’s finest, and not so subtle red and blue coloring and symbolism. The trailer indicated that Season 3 would continue to play with our nationalist, deeply nostalgic hearts. It begins with a short...

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Carnival treats That Are Irresistible!

Bella Breakdown Carnivals are so much fun and it’s something for the whole family to enjoy! Some of the greatest memories from the carnival are not only the rides, but the awesome carnival food. So if you can’t wait until the next carnival to come around, then you have to check out The OddFellows Ice Cream Carnival Shop. They literally have the best carnival ice cream flavors! The three featured flavors are what you have to check out ASAP! The first is The Concessions which consists of caramel popcorn soft serve injected with caramel and topped with salted caramel...

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