Cold Weather Skin Care Musts

Bella Breakdown As much as some of us may be ready for the winter months to come to an end, in many places in the United States it seems like we might be in for cold weather for a while longer. If you live in a chilly place, then taking care of your skin throughout the winter season is absolutely essential. Cold weather is especially harsh on the skin, and it can make it raw, itchy, irritated, or dry. Frigid temps can even lead to people’s skin aging more quickly. Follow these precautionary actions to protect your skin no...

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These Products Will Save Your Lips This Winter

Bella Breakdown We all know that person that has a chapstick in ten different places. One for the office, one for the car, one for the purse, one for the gym, etc. And while it may seem like overkill to someone who only owns one chapstick at a time (ahem…me), it’s time we take a lesson from those people when the winter months hit. Now, I may not own ten lip moisturizers, but I’m also very picky about my products. But trust me, each of these lip saviors will keep you hydrated and protected all winter long. So go...

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