White Russian Ice Pops

Bella Breakdown This time of year may seem like everything’s about the kids, but grown-ups need to have a little fun too! Serve this delicious cold treat at your next holiday party and it’s sure to kick things up a notch. All you need to make a batch of frozen goodness is: Heavy Cream Cold Coffee Kahlua Tito’s Vodka Sugar Add all of your ingredients to a mixer and blend until fully combined. Next, line a loaf pan with two sheet of plastic wrap going in opposite directions and pour the white Russian mixture into the lined loaf pan....

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Elegant DIY Votive Candle Holders

Votive candle holders are a must have for the holiday entertaining season, but forget about splurging on those fancy ones at the department store. These DIY votive holders are just as elegant as anything you’d find in the store and come at a fraction of the...

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