Learning The Basics Of Crystal Healing

Bella Breakdown Crystal healing is getting more popular and more people are looking into the healing benefits of crystal therapy. We give you a basic guide on healing crystal therapy including methods of using them and the health benefits of certain crystals. Whether you have a quick break for meditation or a nap, this can be a great time for some crystal therapy. During mediation, you can hold the crystal in your hand, place on your body, or simply have some nearby during meditation. To promote healing while you sleep, you can place the crystal next to your bed...

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JaxKelly’s Crystal Candle Collection Has A Hidden Surprise Inside!

JaxKelly It’s the little things in life that I like to cherish the most. I love coming home after work to turn on my favorite candles and cuddle up on my couch with a book by the fire. Especially as fall is approaching, nothing is better then having a good candle by your side. Recently, I have been focusing on awareness. I am trying to really focus on becoming aware of my actions, thoughts and even purchases. Believe it or not every purchase matters and it’s important who you are supporting. Do they have good values? Am I buying...

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