Move On! Simple Tips For Getting Over A Breakup In Only 30 Days

Bella Breakdown Breaking up is hard and it’s even harder when you can’t seem to just get over your ex. When deleting all of your pictures and ignoring their phone calls just doesn’t seem to work. Here are some new ways in getting over your ex. Talk about it with people you trust — or strangers you’ll never see again: Whether it’s coming from a place of hurt or anger, expressing your feelings about your split is always a good thing to do. Have a girls or guys’ night with your favorite alcoholic beverage and just let all of...

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Stop The Ghosting Madness

Bella Breakdown I can’t help but wonder why we have such horrible dating habits in 2018. Why has ghosting someone become an accepted dating practice?! It is so terrible to be on the giving or receiving end of ghosting. We all know that it is really hard to get rejected, and that it is also really hard to reject someone, but the ghosting has got to stop. I have been guilty of ghosting, that is until I myself got ghosted. That really stings. I had to think back to all of the times I ghosted somebody and ask myself,...

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Romantic DIY Mini Dates

Bella Breakdown Before we had children, my husband and I used to have weekly date nights. However, once we had kids, we were so tired and money became a priority to go toward “kid stuff” (and did I mention that we were so tired), that those times became few and far between. However, since our three kids are a little older and everyone sleeps through the night, we are always trying to find ways to get out and do something together without too much effort and without breaking the bank. Finding a reliable sitter is the first thing you...

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3 Tips To Turn Your Breakup Into A Breakthrough

Bella Breakdown Alright Bellas so you’ve broken up. It’s definitely a sad time, especially if you were with someone for a longer period of time. It may even be harder to get over it when you’re alone and your ex is all you can think about, which sounds like you’re going through a breakdown as well as a break-up huh? Well, how about instead you go through a breakthrough? That’s right Bellas were going to break it down to you with three simple tips in order to breakthrough during your breakup! Stop Focusing On What’s Next For Your Ex...

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Are You Sure You’re in a Relationship?

Bella Breakdown According to Greg Behrendt and Amiira Ruotola, authors of the book ‘It’s Just a F***ing Date,’ too many relationships today can be described as ‘tweet, tweet, sleep over, break up.’ This means that now-a-days the typical relationship goes from brief social media interactions to a date or two, then seems to fizzle out for whatever reason. But does that mean you’re really dating? Chances are probably not. Just because a hook-up ends up in social media territory does not a relationship make, even though many ladies like to think so. So, before you go proclaiming your most...

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