When Should You Find A New Job?

Bella Breakdown These days, the normal timespan for someone to keep a job is 4.4 years. For millennials, it can be even shorter than that. The average millennial will have between 15 and 20 jobs in their lifetime, which is far greater than generations prior. Moving from job to job can be exciting: you get to learn new skills, become a more seasoned and experienced worker, meet new people, and potentially live in a new place. However, there is also something to be said for people who stay at one company for an extended period of time, truly getting...

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The Down-Low on Daydreaming!

  Bella Breakdown What happens in our brains when we’re daydreaming? This episode is a dream-like ride that explores the science behind why, as we rush into the future, it’s more important than ever to let our minds wander. We live in a world where we’re constantly on the go, yet it is important to know when your mind is most supple and build that more into your life. Where do you feel most creative? The future doesn’t start somewhere far off into the distance, the future starts...

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