Should You Get A Dog?

Bella Breakdown It can be so tempting to see those cute little homeless doggos from the dumb friends league. The idea of getting a puppy is extremely appealing to many people. Those big cute eyes and furry little bodies can call to many, especially us millennials. Before I got my first dog, I would possessively stalk the Humane Society, looking for new dogs to adopt every day. But, taking care of a dog is hard work. Like, really hard work. You should not do it unless you are totally, 100% ready to have a new being in your life...

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These Dogs Are A “Walk In The Park” To Own

Bella Breakdown Getting a dog is a really big decision that should be taken seriously. Owning a fur baby takes time, effort, and patience. You need to care for them every day, train, them, exercise them, and give them lots of love. Some dogs are easier to manage than others. For example, certain breeds such as Huskies, Border Collies, and Australian Shepards need a lot of movement in order to stay happy and healthy. On the other hand, there are dogs that require a lot less time, attention, and training. If you want a dog that is easier to...

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Dog-Friendly Summer Vacation Destinations

Bella Breakdown Getting away and taking a break for your life’s stress may be the remedy you’re looking for this summer, but that doesn’t mean you need to leave your dog behind. If you’re looking for the perfect place for you and your four-legged best then look no further than the list below. Austin, TX: The heat in Texas can get uncomfortable if you’re not familiar to the weather, but the state’s nature scene makes up for it. There are plenty of water activities that your dog will definitely enjoy like Red Bud Isle Park that allows your pup...

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Best Vacation Spots For Dog Lovers

Bella Breakdown If I chose to put a bumper sticker on my car, it would probably be “I brake for Huskies”. I’m a huge dog lover, Huskies and Malamutes specifically. If I could travel to a place where those were the only dogs I could interact with I would… oh wait, I can. There are a lot of places, no matter what type of dog lover you are, that you can vacation to and enjoy spending time with the animals. 1. Snowy Adventures If you go somewhere that gets a lot of snow such as Alaska, Colorado, Canada, Norway,...

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7 Reasons We Love Our Dogs… In Case You Needed More

Bella Breakdown Dogs… can’t live without them. Well, some people would argue against that, but dog lovers would vouch for that sentiment all day long. There are so many reasons that dogs are the greatest companions known to man. The lists of reasons could easily fill the pages of the English dictionary, but we’ll just list 7: 1. Unconditional Love Even when we’re at our worst, our dogs can’t help but love us anyways. 2. No Judgment Dogs don’t judge us when we’ve eaten that 4th slice of cake. They might even encourage it! 3. A Warm Welcome Dogs...

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