When An Ex Is Still In The Picture

Bella Breakdown The question whether you can you still be friends with an ex has always been a controversial one. But what about, “can you still care about your ex?” You might have found yourself in a relationship where either yours or your partner’s ex is still in the picture in an emotional way. This can be a really hard thing to deal with. If you are the one whose partner is still in contact with or somehow taking care of an ex, it can be really difficult for you to deal with. And what if it’s your ex...

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Do You Care What Your Ex Thinks of You?

After a breakup we can’t help but wonder what it was about ourselves that played the part in the ending of a romantic relationship. What if you had the chance to hear what, not one, but three of your exes had to say about you and your relationship together? Well, one lucky woman did, although some might argue she wasn’t lucky at all. It was sweet to hear all of the nice things her exes had to say about her, and even the parts where they described what they didn’t like were still quite respectful. However, the most interesting...

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