Making A Good First Impression

Bella Breakdown First impressions really do matter. Whether you are going on a date, or you are at a job interview, first impressions can really stick around. So what about you are people noticing that create a first impression of you for them? For one, they might notice whether or not you are wearing popular labels. This could be your handbag, shoes, or clothing. People might tend to think you are wealthier if you are rocking some high end accessories. Smiling at people when you first meet them, actually makes you seem more trustworthy. Apparently people deem you trustworthy...

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Get to Know Your Nails

Bella Breakdown If you think hard enough about it, the idea of having fingernails is actually really strange. However, most of us have twenty. Nails are actually just made up of dead skin. Many people think that nails need time to breathe, and that we need to have time between apply nail polish or fake nails. The contents that make up our nails are actually dead, therefore they do not need oxygen. Nails are actually a really great indicator of health issues. There are certain ways your nails are supposed to look. If your nails have turned an odd...

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All You Need To Know About Wine

Bella Breakdown We have all met those people who go out to dinner and order a glass of wine. They spin it, sniff it, take the world’s tiniest sip and then try to tell you about all of the obscure tastes and aromas they’re experiencing. I’m sorry, but 99% of those tastes and aromas are probably made up. And frankly, it seems sacrilegious to just spit it back out again. If I got wine tasting, please believe I’m leaving with a belly full of wine. So, for the most basic of wine drinkers, what are the most important things...

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