Apply Fake Eyelashes The Right Way

Bella Breakdown I tried fake eyelashes once. After that, I said to myself that I would never do it again. They were very hard for me to put on and they just didn’t look right. And then, halfway through the night, they started to come off! After watching this video, I realized that I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I probably looked like a total fool to makeup connoisseurs who saw my flimsy fake lashes falling off my face. Now, with the advice in this video, I have renewed faith in my ability to put on...

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How to Make False Eyelashes Look Real

Bella Breakdown As we’ve matured, we’ve come to realize that less and less intimidates us. After all, once we’re forced to confront something, we’ve got no other choice but to soldier on. So, consider this your final showdown with what may be the most feared beauty product of all time: false eyelashes. Over the years, they’ve garnered a pretty bad rap. Because when faux lashes go wrong, they tend to go really wrong. That being said, look at this step-by-step tutorial as your golden ticket. We’ve taken the guesswork out of applying false lashes, breaking the procedure down into...

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