Signs Your Friend Is A Narcissist

Bella Breakdown There is truly nothing better than friendship. But the quality of a friendship can take a nose dive if your friend is a narcissist. If your so called friend is negatively affecting you, you may want to reevaluate your friendship. Here are some tell-tale signs that your friend is a narcissist. If you see these signs, steer clear! If you used to have a ton of fun hanging out with them and now you are just drained and exhausted after spending time with them. You may not realize it, but this is not healthy and you should...

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Love Yourself: Accepting Compliments And Praise

Bella Breakdown You bump into a friend and they say to you: “You look great! That shirt looks amazing on you!” Your response is: “Ugh! I feel so fat!” or “It’s not my favorite but I didn’t have anything else clean.” How many times have you or someone you know done this? Rather than accepting a compliment gracefully and thankfully, you push it away. I have definitely been guilty of this, but realized it was time I changed my mindset. Whether sincere or not, there is no punishment for saying thank you to someone’s praise of you and adding...

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Thomas & Friends Sets Friendship In Motion!

Inspiring Frindships Big And Small Think about when you were in preschool. You had so many firsts that you were just discovering! You met new friends all the time, you learned how to interact, how to share, you learned about kindness, and also how to express your feelings and how to understand others feelings. It was a very exciting time to say the least. However, times are changing and we are officially living in a digital world. We are slowly losing that personal connection. Little kids know how to operate an iPad before they even learn how to talk....

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