When Can You Go Back To Work After Having The Flu?

Bella Breakdown Flu season is problematic for missing work. Here is how best to handle a return to normalcy. Unfortunately, flu season is here. Nicole Kidman accepted an award this week while she was sick. However, you should not feel pressured to go back to work. You should definitely first get your rest because the flu can be spread to anyone 6 feet away. See your doctor right away if you suspect you have the flu. Note that you are still contagious well after you recover. You can return to work five days after the onset of symptoms. You...

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Can Vegetables Fight Colorectal Cancer?

Bella Breakdown A new study done by researchers at the National University of Singapore have been transforming vegetables into a bacteria cocktail to fight specific symptoms of colorectal cancer and to destroy colorectal cancer cells as well. The lead researcher on the study says that the main goal was “to make use of what we already have in our body for disease prevention and treatment, basically programming gut microbes that live with us to convert food into drugs on demand.“ So far, their creation has been able to kill 95% of colorectal cancer cells in a...

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3 Seasonal Affective Disorder Myths

Bella Breakdown A study reveals that one in every 30 Americans suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. There are a few misconceptions regarding the often misunderstood mental disorder. Myth # 1: SAD only affects people during the fall and winter months. Fact: SAD can also occur during spring and summer. Those affected by summer-onset SAD may experience insomnia, weight loss or anxiety. Myth #2: SAD only occurs in women. Fact: Studies show that 90% of SAD sufferers are women. However, SAD can affect people of all genders, ages and backgrounds. Myth #3: SAD is the same as the...

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Nails Are A Great Indicator Of Health

Bella Breakdown Often times, the only time we pay attention to our nails is when we are at the nail salon or needing to go to the nail salon. But, as Business Insider reminds us, it’s important to check our nails for more than just our beauty regimen. Our nails provide key indicators for health problems, so it’s good to know what to look for! If there is ever a certain tinge to your nails, for instance blue or yellow, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Unusual horizontal lines or white lines on the nails...

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