Improve Your Health With These Types Of Tea

Bella Breakdown Everyone loves a nice calming cup of tea and sipping on a cup of tea can also improve your health. We break down the various tea types along with their amazing health benefits. Black Tea Black Tea is the most common tea used for iced tea and is great for the morning with a higher caffeine content compared to other types of tea. Black tea also promotes strength and repels negativity. Research shows that black tea helps with fighting the flu with the flavonoids working in coordination with healthy gut bacteria to prevent flu infection. Oolong Tea...

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Summertime Sickness

Bella Breakdown As we make our way to the end of the summer months, we can’t help but savor our last few days of hot weather and weekend parties that go late into the night. You still might be participating in barbecues every weekend, and who could blame you? Barbecues have some of the best food! Summer, especially this particularly hot one, can be a breeding ground for foodborne illnesses. There are a number of foods you might be preparing for your summer meal that should be prepped with a lot of caution. 1. Poultry It’s super important that...

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5 Things I Learned While Living With Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Author: Leigha Grimes-Hubbs This is a Very True Story Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is hell. There really is no better way to put it; it’s far worse than your typical morning sickness, which in itself can be pretty awful at times. At its best HG consists of unrelenting vomiting that can generally only be placated by less-than-well tested pharmaceuticals. At its worse, it can be a condition which causes the suffering mother to endure extended hospital stays, esophageal tears, feeding tubes, PICC lines, massive weight loss, and could ultimately result in the loss or voluntary termination of the pregnancy. A...

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DIY Natural Remedies: Curing The Cough

Bella Breakdown Want to get rid of that ongoing cough? You can easily make this cough syrup yourself. The only things you need are a black radish, which is a cough suppressant, and brown sugar. The antioxidants in the black radish also act as an expectorant. The brown sugar has a degorging (extracts the liquid) effect on the radish and it also gives it a nice taste. DIY Cough Syrup Directions Step 1: To make the cough syrup, thinly slice the black radish. Step 2: Place one layer of the radish in a glass jar, followed by a sprinkle...

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