If You Hate Exercising, This Could Be For You

Bella Breakdown Many people avoid attempting to lose weight solely for the fact they know they are going to have to exercise. Maintaining a relatively consistent workout routine can feel monotonous, tiring, and sometimes time consuming. However, there are definitely ways to lose weight without having to hit the treadmill. Any doctor, nutritionist, or fitness coach will tell you that the key to losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise. So the best way to lose weight and not have to kill yourself at the gym is by changing up your diet. A lot of people can attest...

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What Is Tactile Eating: And Can It Help You Lose Weight?

Bella Breakdown If you are looking to step your instant-game up while losing weight, then this foodie trend is for you. Tactile foods are foods that are pretty to look at, while being interesting to munch on. Many have found this food trend appealing as it provides different types of textures, making it a fun meal that’s pleasantly noisy. Other than being fun to eat and a good way to gain more followers on Instagram, tactile food could get you more healthy while losing weight. A small study was done in British preschools, where the preschoolers were allowed to...

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