New Study Shows 1 in 4 Millennials Don’t Have Any Friends

Bella Breakdown One in five Millennials, the generation born between 1980 and 1995, say they have no friends at all. The survey, conducted by the research company YouGov, surveyed more than 1,500 Americans and yielded alarming results. “A third of the 20- and 30-somethings also reported feeling lonely often or always, compared with 20 percent of Gen Xers and 15 percent of boomers,” The New York Post reported. On the bright side, 49 percent of Millennials said they have between one and four close friends, and 70 percent said they had a “best friend.” However, as the New York...

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Millennials Are Too Buying Homes!

Bella Breakdown Millennials always get a weird reputation for not doing things they way the generations before them did. Isn’t that the point of being a different generation though? For some reason, millennials are painted as lazy, and interested in trivial things. So what, we like Kombucha? We are also the least lazy generation. There has been the idea that Millennials are the generation that is not buying houses, when in fact Millennials are one of the biggest groups of home buyers today. We are just buying homes at different points in our lives, and for different reasons. We...

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Millennials and Travel Go Hand-In-Hand

Bella Breakdown The Millennial generation definitely has the travel bug and it just will not quit! Therefore, they seem to be quitting their jobs instead. Now, I’m not sure if traveling is for the sake of looking a certain way on social media, or if we as a generation refuse to be stuck the confines of a 9 to 5, but either way we tend to opt for equal parts work and life. Millennials are ditching the idea that we have to work until we die. Sure, we know we need to work, but in the meantime we’d like...

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