5 Things I Learned While Living With Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Author: Leigha Grimes-Hubbs This is a Very True Story Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is hell. There really is no better way to put it; it’s far worse than your typical morning sickness, which in itself can be pretty awful at times. At its best HG consists of unrelenting vomiting that can generally only be placated by less-than-well tested pharmaceuticals. At its worse, it can be a condition which causes the suffering mother to endure extended hospital stays, esophageal tears, feeding tubes, PICC lines, massive weight loss, and could ultimately result in the loss or voluntary termination of the pregnancy. A...

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How to Get Your Child to Feel Comfortable Telling You What’s Going on in Their Life

How-To Create an Open & Honest Dialogue with Your Kids The first day of school has either begun or is about to begin for most of our kids. Therefore, there are at least six hours of your child’s day that you have no idea about. You know that they are safe in school, learning, making new friends, and many other things. However, how do you get them to tell you some of the details about what went on in their lives all day? Show that you care. These days, with all of the gadgets we all have, the number...

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Homework Help: How to Lessen Homework-Time Drama

Tips for Getting Kids To Do Homework (Properly) By the time we get home each day from school with our children, they are often tired, hungry, and ready for a break.  However, then we have to gear them up again to deal with homework!  (Cue the whining!)  Children these days begin having homework as young as preschool.  Therefore, as a part of life that we have to deal with on a nightly basis, how are we to keep our kids motivated and ourselves sane? Set the Time and Place Firstly, have a set location and time for your child...

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Little Things That Mean a Lot to Kids

Mini Moment That Let Children Know That You Care Let’s face it- when we are in the midst of our crazy busy lives, we sometimes forget how sensitive our kids are. It is so easy to get caught up in all that we need to get done- chores, work, school, and the million other things that we, as parents, deal with on a daily basis. I often find myself forgetting to just pause and acknowledge each of my kids and to really get a sense of what is going on in their darling minds. Let go of some of...

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Teaching Your Kids About Making Healthy Food Choices

Healthier Food = Healthier Kids Let’s face it- when it comes to feeding our kids, it is much easier to grab something pre-packaged and sweet. You know your kids will eat it and it takes minimal effort on our part. When our days are so busy, being able to have access to food that we can grab and go is a great relief, as well as a time-saver. However, by feeding our kids lots of refined sugars, and other man-made chemicals, we are basically setting them up for failure. Not only is it not good for their growing bodies,...

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