Ways to Navigate Defiance From Your Child

Bella Breakdown There is something about your child looking you straight in the eye and saying, “No, I won’t do that,” “I hate you” or “You can’t make me” that challenges you to the core. You are so not alone. Take a look a these helpful tips that are aimed to help you keep your cool when your child is loses theirs. Don’t Ever Take it Personally Your child has no clue what his or her defiance is doing to you emotional so there is no use in personalizing their actions. Understand that your child is just testing his...

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You Know You’re a Mom When…

As a mother you’ve probably found yourself doing all sorts of strange and odd things, and picking up after all sorts of strange and odd messes during the course of raising your children. Well, you’re not alone; there are plenty of parents who endure the cute, crazy, rewarding, and at times downright bizarre journey of raising a child. Above we’ve got some funny signs that you’re smack dap in the middle of motherhood, in case the lack of social life and need for copious amounts of hand sanitizer weren’t...

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