What’s Your Color?

Bella Breakdown You might have noticed how popular colored hair is today. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had major color envy as I scroll through Instagram. I’ve also noticed that the bold eye is coming back. Makeup moguls, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, and Rihanna all have eyeshadow pallets with extreme, bold colors. Literally all colors of the rainbow! With these new makeup trends becoming more popular, you can’t help but feel like you might need to keep up. It’s intimidating though, playing with color can be daunting. You really don’t want to look like something out of...

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Your Kids’ Annoying Personality Traits Will Make Them Successful Adults

Bella Breakdown All parents want to raise strong and confident children. There are certain traits that children possess that can foreshadow them being successful adults. And while this is all good and well, sometimes these traits can be difficult, and at time impossible, to parent. While it may be hard, try to nurture these behaviors even if you are on the brink of a mental breakdown. They are opinionated and inflexible. This isn’t them always just trying to give you a hard time, they may just be trying to manifest their assertiveness. They are extremely curious, about everything. Some...

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