Get Focused: Getting Young People To Read And Exercise!

Making Exercise A Currency Meet Goldin Martinez, a fitness trainer and a man on a mission. That’s right, and not just any mission! He’s on a mission to help the youth. It all began when he discovered his passion for helping others. He wanted to create a movement, something new and fresh, but he wanted it to involve reading and fitness. When he thought about it, he said, “wait a minute…. if I like to shop for books wouldn’t other people like to shop for books? However, not everyone has the money to pay for books.” Believe it or...

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Back To School: The College Student First Aid Kit

Back To School Back to school time is both a joyous and somber moment for us parents. We all live for summers where our kids can be home, family dinners are together, vacations are a time to rekindle, and so much more. However, when your kids are headed off to college at the end of the summer like mine, it becomes a bit overwhelming…more so for me. Did we pack everything? What did we forget? Who will take care of them when they are sick? And the questions go on and on. But back to school time doesn’t have...

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Kid Decompression: How to Help Children Relax

Ways to Help Your Child Decompress & Get Rid of Stress Just as we all experience stress in our adult lives, kids feel those pressures, too. Their days are filled with school, sports, activities and homework. They have to navigate the intricate dance of making and keeping friends, how to get along with their teachers, and to do their best in both their studies, as well as their other activities. So, kids need an outlet to decompress and relax, just like we do. How can we help our kids learn how to take some time to unwind from the...

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Getting Out On Time: Making It Out of the House with Your Kids & Your Sanity

The yelling, the tantrums, the lost shoes! We’ve all been there. Yes, it’s back to school time and we are all a little bit out of practice with how to get out of the house on time without being reduced to a hollering, frantic, sweaty mess. However, with a few changes in your routine and a lot of night time prep, you will be on track for getting everyone to school on time and maintain your sanity! Post a schedule. Having a schedule or a checklist of five items that must get done helps remind my kids of what...

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The Waiting Game: Ways to Use Your Time While Waiting in School Pickup Lines

What to do While You’re Waiting! If you are like me, you have to drop off and pick your kids up every day for school. I can’t imagine how many hours I sit in car line waiting for my kids to be dismissed from school.  The time spent is completely worth it because I relish that special time I get to be with my kids chatting about their day. However, I have learned quickly that I need to make my time sitting and waiting productive. Here are some ways you can do the same! Organizing Whether it be going...

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