These 3 Things Will Make You The Happiest Person

Bella Breakdown For some people finding true happiness isn’t as easy as it seems, however, for others they have found that desire. The saying “money doesn’t buy you happiness” seems to be true because health and marital status do. According to a survey, people have now prioritized marriage over having a job, which five years ago topped the list of things that made people happy. In order to measure happiness, a questionnaire is given to responders who then give a mark out of ten for how happy they are, how satisfied with life, how far they feel their lives...

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What Will Instagram’s ‘No More Likes’ Really Do?

Bella Breakdown In a culture so heavily focused on online appearances, something as simple as a “like” on a post can add drastic “value” to someone’s self-perception. Social media has created an epidemic of comparison culture—it has become far too easy to know the whereabouts of everyone’s life (or the most glamorous moments they choose to share, not that time they had to change a tire in the rain while wearing a dress) and feel that your life is somehow not as shiny or less valuable as the people you follow. In turn, many young social media users feel...

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Lisa Kudrow Reveals She Struggled With Body Image During ‘Friends’

Bella Breakdown There may not be a “Friends” reboot in the works, but fans can still rejoice in castmates reflecting on their time on the show. Series funny girl Lisa Kudrow got serious during a recent interview and revealed that she struggled with body image during the show. “Unfortunately for a woman, if you’re underweight, you look good. And that’s all I ever got,” Kudrow told Marc Maron on his WTF With Marc Maron podcast. The actress also admitted that her constant illnesses didn’t stop her from keeping her weight down and she found herself comparing her body to...

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Self-Improvement: How To Set And Achieve A Goal

Bella Breakdown You see people doing it — transforming something in their lives to make a positive change for themselves and their families. However, for some of us, this is often easier said than done. Once the anxiety and procrastination set in, sometimes you feel so stuck, it’s hard to even know where to start. Whether your goal is to take a class to further your career, do a home improvement project, or lose some weight, having a plan will help you stay focused. Stop watching everyone else do new and sometimes scary things and go for it! We...

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Love Yourself: Accepting Compliments And Praise

Bella Breakdown You bump into a friend and they say to you: “You look great! That shirt looks amazing on you!” Your response is: “Ugh! I feel so fat!” or “It’s not my favorite but I didn’t have anything else clean.” How many times have you or someone you know done this? Rather than accepting a compliment gracefully and thankfully, you push it away. I have definitely been guilty of this, but realized it was time I changed my mindset. Whether sincere or not, there is no punishment for saying thank you to someone’s praise of you and adding...

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