6 Ingredient Watercress Salad Recipe

Bella Breakdown Try this super quick 6 ingredient salad. Ingredients 1/4 tsp orange zest 2 tsp orange juice 1 tsp olive oil 1/8 tsp ground cumin 1/8 tsp kosher salt Pepper 1/2 avocado, thinly sliced 2 cups watercress, trimmed Red onion, very thinly sliced Navel orange, peel and pith removed 1 tbsp roasted almonds, coarsely chopped Directions In a bowl, combine lemon juice, orange zest, and olive oil and whisk well. Coat slices of avocado in the mixture and add the watercress and some sliced red onion to the mixture. Put the watercress and avocado onto a plate and...

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The 3-Step Workout Facial

Bella Breakdown Give your forehead, eyes and jaw a serious tone-up. Step 1 Forehead Flex. Pull eyebrows inward while holding your temples to create resistance. Do 10 reps. Step 2 Eye Lift. Place pads of your fingers under both eyes and squint. Try to close your eyes, but use your hands to make it harder. Hold for five counts. Do 10 reps. Step 3 Chin Press. Tone your jaw by placing fists under your chin. Slowly press your chin to your chest for five counts. Do 10...

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5 Ways to Tone your Abs in Plank

Bella Breakdown We love a good plank! It’s one move that tones your front abs, your side abs, and your back, basically your entire core. At the same time just hovering can get a little boring, so throw these five creative toners into the mix to switch up your exercise routine and get fit for summer. The first is the Whittling Walk, come to the top of a push up with your back flat and your abs tight and lower down on the forearms with the fists in making like an equal sign and walk that back arm in...

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Jump It Off

Bella Breakdown Burn over a 100 calories in under 10 minutes, boost your mood and jump around! These six simple moves are all you need. Start the 180s, in squat position, get low, making sure your knees never go past the tip of your toes, and squat, hop, hop, squat, landing soft, that’s your first level, when you’re ready get rid of those hops and just go from side to side. Next, for the long jump starting your squat and jump as far as you can and shuffle back, picking up the speed if you want it to be...

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