Get A Great Night Of Sleep By Improving Your Sleep Routine

Bella Breakdown Getting a good night of sleep might seem harder than you think by starting with simple changes to your nighttime routine. These simple sleep routine tips will have you waking up in the morning feeling well-rested. The light from our various screen devices strain the eye and throws the body off the natural circadian rhythm which messes with the natural sleep schedule. Try to cut back your screentime before going to bed that will help prepare your body for rest. You can consider alternative pre-bedtime activities to cut down screentime while relaxing reading a nice book, meditating,...

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How To Fall Asleep Faster

Bella Breakdown The secret to a good night’s rest is falling asleep faster. Falling asleep faster means more time to snooze and leave you feeling refreshed when you wake up. Dr. Michael Breus informs on ways to fall asleep faster and why they work so well. Here are a couple of tips and tricks to fall asleep faster. Dr. Breus says he’s probably one of the only doctors in the world to recommend falling asleep leaving the TV on and explains that people don’t really watch TV but rather listen to the audio. When people watch to listen to...

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Forget About Bath Bombs With These Fizzing Shower Steamers

Bella Breakdown Bath bombs are great for relaxing in the bath but some prefer to relax with a nice hot shower. Now there’s an option for showers with DIY fizzing shower steamers for some relaxing aromatherapy. To start you’ll need: – 1 cup Baking Soda – 1/3 cup Citric Acid – 1/4 cup Cornstarch – 10 grams Menthol Crystals – Essential Oils (60 drops per batch) – Silicone Molds – Witch Hazel or 91% Alcohol (in a spray bottle) – Mica Powder (optional for color) – Dry Rice (optional for drying stage) These materials are needed for the steamers...

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Why Eating Honey Before Bed Is Good For You

Bella Breakdown You probably shouldn’t eat before bed, but if you are, the one thing you should eat is a spoonful of honey. It’s no secret the many benefits of honey, so of course, it is no surprise that there are upsides to eating honey when it comes to your sleep. Honey is rich in antioxidants, contains antibacterial properties, can help cholesterol levels, and is known to help with weight loss. Ignore the sayings about the sugar content in honey because, despite the sweetness, honey helps you burn fat more quickly. Replace the sugar you use in your nighttime...

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Learning The Basics Of Crystal Healing

Bella Breakdown Crystal healing is getting more popular and more people are looking into the healing benefits of crystal therapy. We give you a basic guide on healing crystal therapy including methods of using them and the health benefits of certain crystals. Whether you have a quick break for meditation or a nap, this can be a great time for some crystal therapy. During mediation, you can hold the crystal in your hand, place on your body, or simply have some nearby during meditation. To promote healing while you sleep, you can place the crystal next to your bed...

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