Get Over A Crush With These Pointers

Bella Breakdown Having a crush can lead to new-found love, or results in unrequited love. Getting over a crush can be hard, but these pointers can help you get over your crush. Unfollowing them on social media can help you to think of them less and is less likely for them to pop up on your feed. This will also help you to think about them less and focus on your friends more. If your crush lives near you or you see them out a lot, think of ways to avoid seeing them. This will give you the opportunity...

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How To Care For A New Tattoo

Bella Breakdown So you finally got the tattoo you wanted flaunting the specific design you picked and now you need tips on how to take proper care of it. Here are a few basic tips to help you with the aftercare for your most recent tattoo. 1. Talk about your allergies Ensure you talk about your allergies with the artist so they know what to avoid and use. Most times people are allergic to latex and metals used for tattoo application. 2. Be informed about the tattoo covering For convenience and care, it is good for you to ask...

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Great Way To Strengthen Your Nails

Bella Breakdown Nail damage can be caused by not properly taking care of one’s nail. Although nail damage is not very rampant, however, it can happen. For long-lasting manicure and pedicure, there are some things you need to know in order to strengthen your nails and at the same time avoid nail damage. Nearly everyone wants strong, beautiful, and healthy nails but are clueless about how to strengthen their nails. So here is a quick rundown of great ways to strengthen your nails in case you are searching for tips: Exposure to a lot of water can damage the...

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Weight Loss Tips From Trainers & Doctors

Bella Breakdown We are always bombarded with fitness images and food tips via the internet that sits in the palms of our hands. You see fitness and diet trends come and go, and it is definitely hard to decide what is actually going to work, and what is just a fad. So who can you actually trust when it comes to losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle? Well your doctor and an actual trainer is a great place to start. So, what do they have to say? 1. Don’t always trust the scale. It can be a very...

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Tips For The Last Minute Packer

Bella Breakdown I cannot help but pack at the last minute. It is as if I’m addicted to the added stress of travel. Last minute packing isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but you are definitely prone to forgetting certain things. So, what is the best way to pack when you like to procrastinate from packing? 1. Use small luggage, that way you aren’t dealing with any unexpected size restrictions if you’re hopping on a plane. You’ll also be limiting taking time packing too many clothes that you might never actually wear. 2. Make a list of the things you...

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