Tiny Travelers: Tips & Must-Haves for Flying with Children


In-Flight Tips When Traveling With Kids

Most of us have experienced a flight with the ear-piercing screams of a child on board, whether it be our own child or someone else’s.  This memory is enough to convince us to never travel with children.  However, if you go into the flight prepared with an arsenal of supplies and strategies, you can make your journey a pleasant one.

flyingwithkids2Firstly, you need to prepare your child, if he is old enough, for what is to come.  Explain the different things you will be doing—checking in, going to the waiting area, and flying on the airplane.  Make each an adventure for your child.  Let them know what will be happening, as well as what you expect of them.   Clarify what the rules are for the journey, such as using quiet voices on the plane, not disturbing the people around us, and staying in our seats.  You might want to have them draw a picture of themselves doing this and bring it along with you as a reminder.  Right before you get on the plane, remind them again of the rules and expectations.

The next thing to prepare for is when your child becomes cranky.  Usually this is either because they are hungry, tired, or bored — or perhaps all three!  Having a plan for each situation is crucial.  Therefore, pack lots of snacks.  Bring low-sugar, durable finger foods that you know your child really enjoys.  I always include a small special treat for the end of the flight, such as a lollipop, that you can use as incentive (aka bribery), if needed.  If they have a favorite lovey, definitely bring it along. 

If your child is tired, it might help her fall asleep or just rest quietly.  To conquer boredom, bring books, toys, electronic devices, and anything else you know will distract your child for a while.   I also recommend bringing some new surprise toys.  A quick trip to the dollar store will give you an inexpensive, good selection.

Lastly, don’t forget a few extra supplies: wipes, an extra outfit for each child in case of spills (or worse), gadget chargers, and any medications you might need.  Always prepare for the worst and hope for the best!  Happy travels!
Meet The Bella Behind the Blog: Kristen Farley is a mother of three and a domestic goddess. She is a former teacher who enjoys spending lots of time with her kids, healthy eating, volunteering at school, and mommy blogging for the masses.

Be on the lookout for more of Kristen’s expert advice and brillent tips!

Author: Kristen Farley

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