4 Super Simple Ways to Save Money on Makeup

Bella Breakdown

With these few simple tips, you can get the most bang for your buck when it comes to your makeup.


4supersimplewaystosavemoneyonmakeup1 Cut open your moisturizer when itโ€™s running low and scrape it into a small container.


4supersimplewaystosavemoneyonmakeup2Save your broken blush. Crush the powder with a bobby pin, then add rubbing alcohol and mix into a paste. Mash the paste back into the container with a spoon, clean the edges with a Q-tip and allow to dry.


4supersimplewaystosavemoneyonmakeup3 Soak your tube of mascara in warm water when it is running low. It loosens the mascara on the sides of the tube.


4supersimplewaystosavemoneyonmakeup4Fix a broken lipstick by melting the broken edges with a lighter and press it back together. Then, smooth the seam with the lighter.

With these simple fixes you can enjoy your favorite beauty products a little longer ๐Ÿ˜‰

Author: Kristen Farley

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