Do You Need A Vacation?

Bella Breakdown

Feeling like you need a vacation as soon as possible? Well here is how you can tell if it is time to head out of town for a few days.
You’re super irritable at work. If everything your coworker says makes you want to strangle them, it is probably time to ask for a few days off. It is not healthy for you or the people around you.

Taking some time away allows you to refresh and you will come back in a better mood.
Your work ethic is extremely lacking. This is a sign that you are completely burned out. Time to hit the reset button!
You’re losing sleep. Whether it is stress or having too much to do, vacation is a great time to recharge and catch up on all of that sleep that you have been missing.
Negative and lazy coworkers and friends are rubbing off on you. Run away! If you are taking on other people’s negative thoughts and emotions, it may be time to clear your head and pump yourself with positive vibes.
You have zero interest helping other people with their issues. Cue the beach! You are probably so tired and frustrated, you can’t even think about other people. Time to take some “me time” to refresh.

There is a weird stigma about people taking time off and going on vacation. Don’t get caught up in that. It is important to take time to yourself away from work. It is detrimental to your mental health and to ensure you don’t burn out or lose motivation. So take some vaca days, and don’t feel on ounce guilty about it!

Author: Emily Miller

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