Embracing Single Life

Bella Breakdown

Single life gets a bad rap. A lot of people look at single life as if you’re just killing time until you find the right one. They think it’s a time to kiss some frogs before you find your prince or princess. If you aren’t enjoying your single life you aren’t doing it right. Being single is actually a really important, and potentially extremely enjoyable part of your life.

Millennials seem to be making a conscious effort to be single. They are using it as a time to practice self care and self reflection. Being single, especially after having gotten out of a relationship, is an extremely important time. That is because you are able to objectively go through all of the things about yourself that contributed to the end of the relationship, and also reevaluate all of the things that you will not tolerate in another person.

Being single is a true confidence builder. Don’t look at it as the time where no one is choosing you as a partner. No, take power in your single life. Actively choose to be single, and take back that power yourself. Do things by yourself, and fall in love with yourself. That way you are never choosing anyone that is less than you deserve.

Author: Haley DePass

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