Get Ready to Take on Summer with 3 Endurance Moves

Bella Breakdown
These no equipment strength training moves will get you in hiking, biking and swimming shape in no time. The first move is for hiking, who wants to be the last one in the group?

Keep at the head of the pack with these lunges, start with your basic runner’s lung, touching the floor with one hand and hop up with the leg from behind coming to hip level. After 3 sets of 15 reps on each side you’ll be at your peak and the mountain peak in no time.


Jump into the deep end of the pool with the swimmer! Lie face down on your mat, arms stretched in front of you. Raise opposite arms and legs, tapping or 30 seconds. Then, take a rest in child’s pose. Finally look fly on your new bike with this biking workout.

Do opposite side elbow crunches adding a pedaling motion touching opposite elbow to leg. After 30 of those, repeat hiking, swimming and biking then go enjoy some summer fun!

Author: Madison

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