Keep Your Love Alive With These Helpful Tips

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Bella Breakdown

Getting your happily ever after in love is something that everyone dreams of. Sadly, some couples seem to just fall out of love and decide to either divorce or breakup. However, for other couples keeping that passion is easy and have ways that they use to keep that love alive and strong.

Exchange “love vows:”
Figuring out what your partner wants more of and commit to doing it is a good way to keep that passion going. As long as the requests are something you’re comfortable with, try things like one of you promising the other 20 minutes of foreplay at least once a week. The vows don’t have to be physical and can even be things like telling one another why you’re grateful for them and the relationship.

Check in with one another:
Yes, you see each other every day when you’re home, but take a few minutes to an hour just sitting down and talking to one another. This is an exercise used to see how the other is doing either at work or new personal feelings you may be trying to work through. Talking to each other in this type of way lets you both know that you’re invested in keeping that bond strong through difficult times.

Revive the activities you did when you first fell in love:
There may come a time when you feel that the person you share a home and bed with isn’t the same person you first fell in love with. In order to keep from feeling that way make a list of things, you used to do together that brought both of you pleasure. Establish date nights or even day dates, cook meals together and fall re-head-over-heels for each other again.

Author: Lilly Roberts

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