Qualities In A Good Partner

Bella Breakdown

Love can often be very blinding. You might have found yourself in relationships where you were looking past a lot of really bad qualities. This sort of ignorance can really land you in a tough spot where you are dealing with a very toxic relationship. Sometimes it’s hard to even spot what kinds of things make for a really great partner. Sad, right? Here are the qualities you should look for in someone who can provide a really great, healthy relationship.

1. Emotional Support
A healthy person is going to be able to validate your feelings, and let you know that whatever your feeling is right. They’re going to attempt to understand what is making you feel the way you do.

2. Giving Warranted Advice
When you ask for their help, a good partner is going to try and give you the best advice they have. They will open a dialogue with you to help you with a problem.

3. Tough Love
A good partner is not going to enable bad behavior. They will not encourage unhealthy habits. A good partner helps you strive to become a better person and vice versa.

4. A Shared Family
Being able to fit in with one anothers family is a really great quality.

Author: Haley DePass

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