These Are The Things To Consider Before Getting A Pet

Bella Breakdown

Is one of your 2019 goals to add a new member to your family? Maybe you’ve been thinking about this for a long time, or maybe you’re just really craving some puppy love in your life. Either way, adopting a pet is a huge commitment, and something to think seriously about before diving in. Sit down with yourself, or your partner if it will be a shared commitment, and talk through these points to determine if you are ready to be parents to a new furbaby.

1. Ask Yourself Why

This is an important step. Make sure that you are adopting for the right reason, and not just because you’re feeling a little lonely, or because all your friends have been getting pets. Make a list of all the reasons why you want a pet, and if you have trouble coming up with more than a few, then maybe you should wait a little bit longer.

2. Analyze Your Schedule

If you’re adopting a pet, you’ll need to set aside a certain amount of time each day for taking care of the animal. Do a little research to determine how much exercise, playtime and care time the animal (and breed) will need. If you’re a visual person like me, write or draw out your daily schedule to see if the animal’s needs will fit in with your current lifestyle.

3. Can You Afford It?

Expenses can vary depending on the animal, but in general, you should expect to spend around $1,000 per year on your pet. Take a look at your budget to make sure your monthly income allows for these extra expenses, or plan to take a few months to build up a pet fund so you’re prepared when those expenses arise.

4. Do You Travel a Lot?

This is a big one. How settled are you in your life? If you travel a lot, have a job that keeps you moving around, or plan on moving within the next year or so, it might not be a great time to adopt. Animals need stability, and if you’re planning to travel, you’ll need to have a plan in place for who will take care of the pet while you’re away.

Author: Lauren Staehle

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