Things That Make You A Good Partner

Bella Breakdown

A lot of people swear that they are a good boyfriend or girlfriend. It becomes a mean of reasoning when people are dating. “But I’m the best girlfriend!”, or “I know I’m boyfriend material”. But, are we really sure we’re the great partners we say we are? There are ways to know if you’re a good partner in a relationship.

1. You have a life
When you have your own life, and you’re making room for someone else, that’s a good sign you’ll be a good partner. For one, you are putting aside some of your own personal time to be with someone else. And two, you’ve also got enough going on that you’re not clinging to that other person for all of your needs. Independence helps to stave off codependence.

2. You know your limits
Understanding the sort of things that make you tick, or that you will not tolerate in a relationship is really important. Expressing those limits is key to helping your partner understand you. Knowing your limits also keeps you from remaining in a bad romantic situation.

3. You can communicate
People say, “communication is key” for a reason. As much as we’d like to be, human beings are not mind readers. Having the ability to express yourself in a reasonable, clear, and most importantly, respectful manner is extremely important. Being a good communicator definitely puts you at the top of the list for great boyfriend/girlfriend material.

Author: Haley DePass

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