We Can Still Make Friends

Bella Breakdown

Do you remember how nerve wracking it was to start school, especially if you didn’t know anyone? It was new classes, new kids, and a whole new situation. It meant so much when you buddied up with the person next to you. You could breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you wouldn’t be eating lunch alone that day.

It’s still sort of the same deal now that we’re adults. I get the same nervous jitters starting a new job as I did starting the first day of school. I just want to make friends! Part of growing up, and being an adult is having to get out of our comfort zones. A lot of us have to move to new cities, and start new jobs, which can feel really isolating for the first few weeks, even months. You can temporarily avoid the loneliness by posting on social media, or texting people you know and love, but let’s face it, we need human interaction! Even if you’re a true introvert, you can’t help but feel lonely sometimes too!

It might take some time and effort but there are ways to make friends as an adult. Just like working out, getting extra work done, traveling, you have to carve time out of your normal schedule to make those new friends. Go to happy hour with coworkers, rekindle a friendship with an old friend, use friendship apps for crying out loud. People need people. Go make a friend!

Author: Alicia Rodriguez

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