What Your Closet Says About You

Bella Breakdown

Your closet could be packed and your dresser drawers could be stocked to the brims, but you still might look inside of them and think, “Gosh, I have nothing to wear!”. This thought could actually be indicative of something much deeper than the fact that you are just bored with all of your current clothing.

Fashion psychology has become an actual practice now. The way that we shop, wear our clothes, and keep our closets are possible insights into deeper psychological problems.

If you find yourself buying the same color or same style of clothing, you could be suffering from “Repetitious wardrobe complex”. This likely stems from someone having had complimented you about a color or style, so you kept buying it. This is sometimes a sign of deeper insecurities whether physically or socially.

Another problem you could have is when you go shopping you might only be drawn to neutrals, in grey and beige tones. This is likely because you are too overwhelmed by all of the colors and styles while you are shopping. This issue is known as “Polychromatic Anguish Syndrome”.

Feeling as though you have nothing to wear, or that your wardrobe is lacking, or even noticing patterns in the way you buy clothes could be a sign that you have got some major emotional baggage. It might be time to call up a fashion psychologist.

Author: Haley DePass

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