Win The Bedtime Battle With These Clever Tips & Tricks


Bedtime Battle

We have all been there- whining, moaning, acting out, and hyper behavior. Dealing with an overtired, cranky kid is a nightmare. Even the best behaved child turns into a melt-down-waiting-to-happen when she is sleep deprived. So, how can we create a tantrum-free way to get our kids to bed on time each night?
Create a routine.

Kids crave stability and routines, so doing this will make them know what to expect each evening. Things like taking a bath, getting jammies on, brushing teeth, reading stories, and a last trip to the potty all send a signal to kids that it is a time to slowly start settling down for the night. It is NOT a time for crazy music, TV, or roughhousing. If you feel it would be helpful or if your kids are old enough to read, you can even create a chart or checklist (this can be written OR just pictures) to show exactly what is expected of them.


Keep It Consistent. While you may be tempted to allow your kids to stay up an extra hour (or more) on the weekends, try and keep their regular bedtime each night. Of course, there will always be special occasions, but you will get the best results from keeping everything the same each night.

Make sure their room is cool, dark, and quiet. These are all important factors in making sure kids (and grown-ups, too) are able to fall asleep and stay asleep. Getting darkening shades and turning the thermostat to 68°-70° are ways to help. Kids need 10-13 hours of sleep each night, so creating this cozy, comfortable environment will ensure your little ones get the zzz’s they need.

Don’t fall for the “one more drink/kiss/question routine. Make a drink of water, last hug, etc. part of the bedtime routine so that once your child is in bed, he has to stay there. If he gets back out, quietly walk him back to bed. Don’t engage in conversation, as that is his goal (a little extra attention).

Remember that good sleep is a really important factor in your child’s overall well-being. Her health, behavior, and general attitude depend greatly on you setting a reasonable and consistent bedtime.

Meet The Bella Behind the Blog: Kristen Farley is a mother of three and a domestic goddess. She is a former teacher who enjoys spending lots of time with her kids, healthy eating, volunteering at school, and mommy blogging for the masses.

Be on the lookout for more of Kristen’s expert advice and brilliant tips!

Author: Kristen Farley

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