Promote Brain Cell Growth

Bella Breakdown Contrary to popular belief, an old dog can learn new tricks. Science has now proven that your brain can continue to develop after the age of 25, and that growth can be increased by following a few easy rules. Daily rituals such as eating leafy greens, exercising, and getting enough sleep are givens when it comes helping your brain buddy stay strong. On the other hand, some lesser known practices may surprise you. For example, intermittent fasting and eating a piece of dark chocolate once a day can also lead to cerebral advancement. Check out the video...

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The Best Amount Of Exercise For Your Brain

Bella Breakdown We all know that exercise is good for you. That is obvious. You benefit from it physically, and you’re far healthier when you exercise on a consistent basis. You also benefit from it mentally. You feel great about yourself when you workout, and you obtain hormones that really boost your mental health in a positive way. Some people can take exercise to the extreme though, and might be missing out on all of the mental health benefits exercise has to offer. We hear it all of the time, moderation is key. The same goes for exercise. Studies...

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Can’t Concentrate? You May Be in Love!

While love and romance can be fun, exciting and joyous, there are a few odd drawbacks and not being able to concentrate is one of them. As it turns out, people in new romantic relationships have trouble focusing and are less able to perform simple tasks. So, if you find yourself scatterbrained for no reason, just ask yourself if you’ve got someone special on your mind, because it could be...

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