6 Amazingly Simple Hairstyles for Lazy Girls

Bella Breakdown
These are just too amazing. We were just stunned by how easy and fast these simple looks came together, and how great they looked on the girls. Start off with the 20-second knot updo.

It’s a no-brainer, just split the hair into two, tie into a big knot, tie a second knot on top of the first, wrap and tuck loose ends, then pin into place. Add a pencil for that super cute naughty teacher vibe.

The front and back is a look for the curly textured hair – can’t get enough of those. Take the front top section, pin hair down, then sweep the sides up and back, pinning into place.

Then there’s the pinless bun, how did we live without knowing about this? Create a ponytail and twist to the end then wrap it around clockwise, just like you did for the knot updo, but here’s the move, loosen part of the hair next to the bun and pull hair over the bun, tucking the bun in. Just smooth and hairspray for a fabulous twist look.


For the high puff stretch out a nylon stocking, pace it on your forehead and wrap it around, tighten and push it up, tie it and hide it with you hair, push sides and front up behind hairline put it out with a comb.

The half-done braid is a lazy girl classic, one the side, braid a large section of hair about halfway down, tuck behind and and pin it, spray and enjoy your “I’m too cool and busy to care about my hair” steaze.

Finishing up the curly hair style is an easy turban, just smooth hair up into a top bun, place a long scarf over top and behind head, grab ends and tie in front, then twist the ends all the way down wrapping the tail around the top bun.

If all else fails, go au naturel, long hair – don’t care!

Author: Amy

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