Get Great Skin With These Dermatologist Approved Tips

Bella Breakdown

Getting fresh-faced skin is a desire for everyone, but unfortunately, it doesn’t always happen. Whether riddled with pesky acne or not as clear as you want these are some dermatologist-approved tips that will surely show results.

Use any downtime you have to treat your skin. If you’re at home or stuck in bad traffic, having beauty treatment products nearby will come in handy for an impromptu facial. Just simply applying serum, using an eye mask or even teeth whitening strips can make a difference after time.

Hydrating your skin happens on the inside and the outside. Sadly, just drinking your eight glasses of water isn’t going to get you the clear skin you deserve. It is important to also hydrate your skin from the outside in with facial serums, creams, and hydrating mists. When it comes to water, avoiding hot water in a shower is key due to your skin possibly drying out.

If you live in a place where the sun is always out year-round sunscreen should be your daily best friend. Applying the cream to your neck, chest, and hands is vital because they tend to age faster and are harder to improve compared to the face.

Your lips are like the North Star for your skin. If you feel that your skin is feeling on the dry side let your lips guide you. You’ll know it’s time to moisturize your skin because once the humidity has dropped your lips will be the first to feel dry.

Author: Brittany Jones

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