Little Mix Makes Sure To Always Compliment Each Other

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Bella Breakdown

The age of social media is wonderful. Social media can connect friends and loved ones from the other side of the world and make it easier than ever to stay active in their lives. But with your lives and actions open and available to all, sometimes the pressure to look, feel, and be a certain way can become overwhelming.

Little Mix is a British pop group that was first discovered by the British version of The X Factor in 2011. Since then, they have released five albums and have been very successful, headlining concerts and supporting such acts as Demi Lovato and Ariana Grande.

But with all of their successes, the group now are activists promoting confidence and body positivity to all. The secret to their confidence is simple. The four make sure to complement each other daily.

The fab four stated, “Everybody is so hard on themselves all the time, like we are the worst for it.” Body shamers are everywhere and what makes it worse is the self-hate that comes from it. One of the girls even recalls a time when she refused to get out of the car because she didn’t have on her makeup. Their message is simple; help each other feel good every day.

Author: Billy Marcel

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