This Girl Found An Unlikely Way To Recover From Anorexia

Bella Breakdown

Meg says that while she was committed to recovery, she was committed to it within her own little bubble of anorexia. So, in order to make herself more accountable, she started a vlog to share her story. Meg developed an eating disorder when she was 13 years old. She counted calories obsessively, lost a dangerous amount of weight and was hospitalized multiple times.

In order to recover healthfully, she decided that she did not want to go to either extreme – restricting herself and never letting herself have anything or at the opposite end of the spectrum binging on a huge amount of food. So, she is just trying to work on her diet regularly. Megan started following a structured food plan and is documenting her efforts. She has even started to eat the desserts she used to fear. She hopes her open this can help others and judging by the heartfelt responses she is getting, she is doing a great job!

Author: Hannah Do

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