Del Monte Introduces Exclusive Pinkglow Pineapple

Bella Breakdown

Del Monte worker their fruitastical magic for the holiday season to offer an exclusive gift in the form of a special fruit the Pinkglow Pineapple. This unique pineapple looks average on the outside but holds a beautifully sweet pink pineapple fruit that is only available in the United States.

There are two exclusive variations of this unique fruit including the average-sized pineapple or the smaller variation with the Petit Pinkglow pineapple. These Pinkglow Pineapples will only be available for a limited time in select regions in the U.S. and are grown in Costa Rica.

The unique pink pineapples are sustainably sourced from Costa Rica taking 20 to 24 months to grow. These pineapples are grown on a carbon-neutral farm that utilizes rich fertile volcanic soil in a perfect tropic climate and is harvested by hand.

The Pinkglow Pineapple offers two vendors on the east coast with Tropical Fruit Box and Melissa’s on the west coast. The Petit Pinkglow is only available in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area in Texas.

This unique fruit could be a great gift for your favorite foodie or fruit lover that can add a pop of pink to any dish and cocktails.

Author: Karli Wallace

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