How to Transition Your Makeup For Warmer Weather

Bella Breakdown
From season to season our skin has different wants and needs. S,o for a consistently flawless face you’ve got to switch some things up.

Where better to start than with the foundation? One of the best BB creams on the market is Maybeline’s Dream Fresh and for liquid highlighter another drugstore hit is Revlon’s Photo Ready Skin Lights. In the summer you want to try to stick to all lightweight liquids and creams, even in blush.

So, if you’re going for pink try NARS in Orgasm offered in an easy to apply stick or for a more bronze look there’s Cover Girl’s Try Magic in Sun Kisser.

Your primary skin routine shouldn’t change much before summer since you’re applying your SPF daytime moisturizer year round right?

Well, if you’re not already, be especially sure this time of year when UV-rays are going to be hitting your skin directly. Avoid sun damage by reapplying at least once during the day and prevent breakout from turning into dark spots.

If you’re dealing with oily or shinny skin, first switch from foundation to a bb cream to keep from having products on your skin that can become shinny in the heat. Also, try setting it with a mineral powder and using a mask with clay in once or twice a week to dry up excess oil. Of course there’s the miracle working oil-blotting sheets that is great for just soaking up the oil instead of applying extra makeup. Have fun in the sun with perfect skin for a win!

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